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When Relativity Charges Per GB for ECA

In RelativityOne the repository workspace application is installed to convert an existing workspace for the purposes of performing early case assessment. Some RelativityOne workspace options are not available in this ECA mode. The concept is to allow data to be hosted at a reduced cost, while standard document review and production are not necessary. Relativity has a policy of billing per GB if during a single month for a repository workspace any of the following occurs:

- More than 50 million documents are loaded into the workspace.

- More than 10,000 documents are viewed.

- More than 10 users use the workspace. Admins are included in this count.

If the repository workspace application is uninstalled, a per GB charge will be implemented.

Generally, as data is transferred from the repository workspace to the review workspace it will be charged at a full rather than a reduced rate.


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