Overturned Documents
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Overturned Documents

Relativity keeps track of overturned documents - documents whose responsiveness status is overturned either on a second pass manual review, or by a manual coding decision made before an assisted review or TAR round is performed. Subsequent rounds of assisted review may lead to overturned documents.

A document reviewer may see a field for a responsive overturn on a document layout.

The Assisted Review console includes options to 'View Overturn Summary' and 'View Overturned Documents'.

Relativity keeps track of which reviewer gave a different value to a document, his or her coding value, and associates the document with the seed document or seed excerpt responsible for the overturn. A field named 'Overturned category rank' shows the degree of similarity between the seed document and the overturned document.

Relativity can use only excerpted text from a document to find conceptual matches to a control document.

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