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Identity Providers for Logins

Relativity allows users to access an environment using several different logins methods.  Two of these methods use third party identity providers, OpenID Connect and SAML 2.0 (Security Assertion Markup Lamguage). 

Rather than having a service provider like kCura manage account passwords the IdPs authenticate users, this task is outsourced.   If a user has logged in with OIDC once it will then not have to log in separately with other service providers that also use OIDC.   Nearly everyone will have had the experience of using apps or setting up web accounts which allow them to register using their Facebook or Google account information.  The concept is the same with OpenID Connect.  Indeed Google uses ODIC to authenticate its accounts. Yahoo and Microsoft also use OpenID Connect. 

OpenID Connect has an advantage over SAML in that it will work with native and mobile applications, whereas SAML only works with web based applications. 

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