The RCA Exam
If you want some help studying for the Relativity Certified Administrator Exam check out these flash cards sets that I created on Quizlet. This set goes over some of the questions on the online practice quiz that I found most difficult. These flash cards were created from my review of the Study Materials guide provided by kCura which includes the descriptions for the hands on exercises. This set is based on my review of the Searching Guide for Relativity version 9.3. These flash cards were created based on the information in the Relativity Searching Quick Reference Guide. This set of flash cards addresses information that I found challenging in the RCA Exam Workbook. Lastly I created these flash cards based on the guide for the Relativity Desktop Client.
Please note that all of these sets are not necessarily comprehensive because I was concentrating on things I was not certain that I had fully memorized.
Good luck RCA candidates!