Mass Ops in Relativity
Most Relativity users will be familiar with the four standard mass operations which are available in the little drop down menu below the document list to the left.
Print Images
Export to File
Save as PDF
The Export to File option, will export selected documents metadata to a file; Tally/Sum/Average will run calculations on values entered a field you select.
However be aware that your system admin can make additional mass operations available for your use.
Send to Case Map
Process Transcript
Save as List
The replace option will allow you to replace an entire field; append to the end of it; or insert information at the beginning of a field.
Cluster will create groups of conceptually similar documents. Process transcript simply finds page breaks and then generates a word index. Save as List generates a list that you can access later inside Relativity. Convert will create HTML5 formatted versions of the documents, so that they don't have to be generated when each document is accessed.