Web-based CaseView Hiccups
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Web-based CaseView Hiccups

CaseViewNet is widely used by reporters to provide a reattime feed to their transcript during depositions and trials. A link will be distributed by a reporter to the caseview.net site which should function normally on most computers, and in most browsers. However, antivirus software, and other computer configurations may prevent the web-based version of the transcript from streaming. You will be able to successfully log on, but when you do there will be a blank screen:

If this happens to you, look in the URL for the session code, and the password. For example:

Then download the CaseView application. Once it's installed, on the toolbar, press 'Connect' on the toolbar:

Click next, and then create a connection in the next step of the wizard by entering the session code:

. . . accept the default options and then click Next again to enter the password:

You will get the same streaming transcript which is available on the web.

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