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Accepting Tracking Changes From One But Not All Authors

This evening I faced a dilemma. I had made edits to version 1 of a Word document with track changes saved in version 2. Meanwhile the brief had been exchanged with an attorney outside the firm who made his own edits. The lawyer I was working for wanted those edits added to version 2 of the document, but without the track changes for those edits showing.

The first problem was how to enter the edits made by the outside attorney without losing my own edits shown with track changes.

The solution to this problem was to use the Compare plug-in Worksite installs in Word. On the Compare tab, select Compare, and then select the two documents you need to compare. A new document will be created showing the track changes from both documents. (In the Worksite document management system if you select a document in the FileSite list and use the option to compare it to a modified document in the right click menu, the track changes in the original document may be overwritten).

In the combined document you'll then have the option to only display in the Show Markup . . .Reviewers menu, changes by one author or another.

When you have changes by fewer than all of the reviewers, in the Accept menu you'll have the option to only accept the shown changes.

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