Merging Subtitles with Video Files in Trial Director
Clips of deposition testimony created in Trial Director can be exported. In the Transcript Manager, you can select View By . . . Clips, select the clips you need and then Under Clips . . . click Export Clips. A wizard will open allowing you to export the clips to a Windows folder, an email, or a PowerPoint. Several different MPEG format can be chosen, or the video file can be exported in the format for QuickTime, or as a simple .wav audio file. In the final step of the export wizard, the user has the option to export synchronized text captions in the .smi format.
On my PC Windows Media Player did not play back the video files with the synched subtitles automatically, although VLC Media Player did.
If you need to merge the video files and the subtitles into a single file (perhaps for the purpose of inserting it into a PowerPoint presentation), you can use a utility included with Trial Director but not listed in the Program menu folder for Trial Director. At C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VideoTranscoder, you should find an .exe file that will open the inData MPEG Transcoder Utility.
This allows you to select an individual video file and a single .smi file, and then merge them together as a new file with the closed caption text burned in. The resulting video file has an advantage over a file synched with the .smi file in that the text is enclosed in a black box and not superimposed over the video where it may be obscured by a light colored background or the date and time code of the videographer's regular video.