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Generate a list of all column headings in an Excel worksheet

If you're parsing data and you're looking for a way to generate a list of the column headings in an Excel worksheet to use as cell references, use this formula originally posted here.

=IF(COLUMN()>26,IF(RIGHT(CHAR(IF(MOD(COLUMN()-1,26)=0,1,MOD(COLUMN()-1,26))+64),1)="Y",CHAR(INT((COLUMN()-1)/26)+64) & "Z",CHAR(INT((COLUMN()-1)/26)+64) & CHAR(IF(MOD(COLUMN(),26)=0,1,MOD(COLUMN(),26))+64)),CHAR(COLUMN()+64))&ROW()

You can just enter the formula n cell A1 and drag it to the right with CTRL + R.

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