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New Wave Citibikes Project a Laser In Front of the Bike!!!

Followers of Litigation Support Tip of the Night will know that I occasionally like to take a break from litigation support issues. See for example the Tip of the Night for January 3, 2017.

Bikes share systems are spreading across America. Tonight, February 2, 2017, I undocked a Citibike in Brooklyn and got a wonderful surprise. Newly upgraded Citibiks come with a green laser that projects an outline of a bicycle 20 feet in front of the bike while you pedal. This was a complete surprise to me. It certainly seems like a great a safety feature. Now you approach an intersection any cars also converging on the crossroads will see the laser project before you arrive. The laser is shot from the light on the front of the basket in front of the handlebars of the bicycle.

This video shows me riding down Vanderbilt Avenue in Brooklyn. If you look to the left, you can spot the Empire State Building.

You need to get home after doing litigation support at night, and bikes are a great way to do it.

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