Exterro's Simplified E-Discovery Case Law Database
There is now an interesting alternative to K&L Gates well-known database of electronic discovery case law, which was the tip of the night for June 14, 2015, Exterro has posted "The Simplified E-Discovery Case Law Library" , at http://www.exterro.com/case-law-library/ . Exterro profiles notable cases on the home page for the Library, and also provides subgroups of case on key topics:
Recent Case Law
New Data Types
Exterro's case summaries are very short, and have an appealing format. The summaries begin with a one or two sentence description of why the decision is important. This is followed by an overview of the facts and then a list of the key rulings in the case.

Beware however - this is not the extensive resource that K&L Gates' database is. There are no summaries at all for key cases such as Zubulake v. UBS Warburg and Da Silva Moore v. Publicis Group . When you search for 'predictive coding' only the In re: Biomet M2a Hip Implant Prods. decision comes up. Nothing is returned for 'technology assisted review' at all. There does however seem to be a large number of profiles of decisions issued this year in the post-FRCP amendment period.