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Excel Macro to Collect Outlook Metadata

An Excel macro posted to this site, can be used to export metadata from Outlook .msg files to an Excel spreadsheet. Here's how you do it:

1. Begin by saving email messages in the .msg format in a single folder. [See Fig. 1 below].

2. In Visual Basic, go to Tools . . . References and make sure you have the Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library checked off, as well as the other options for Outlook. [See Fig. 2 below].

3. Go to the Workbook for your PERSONAL.xlsb file [see the Tip of the Night for October 25, 2015], right click and select Insert . . . Module.

Paste this macro into the new Module. {See Fig. 3 below] You need to enter the file path for the folder you created. See the entry in blue.

Sub GetMailInfo()

Dim MyOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem Dim x As Namespace Dim Path As String Dim i As Long

Set MyOutlook = New Outlook.Application Set x = MyOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") Path = "C:\excel email md\" FileList = GetFileList(Path + "*.msg")

Row = 1

While Row <= UBound(FileList)

Set msg = x.OpenSharedItem(Path + FileList(Row))

Cells(Row + 1, 1) = msg.Subject Cells(Row + 1, 2) = msg.Sender Cells(Row + 1, 3) = msg.CC Cells(Row + 1, 4) = msg.To Cells(Row + 1, 5) = msg.SentOn If msg.Attachments.Count > 0 Then For i = 1 To msg.Attachments.Count Cells(Row + 1, 5 + i) = msg.Attachments.Item(i).FileName Next i End If

Row = Row + 1 Wend

End Sub Function GetFileList(FileSpec As String) As Variant ' Taken from ' Returns an array of filenames that match FileSpec ' If no matching files are found, it returns False

Dim FileArray() As Variant Dim FileCount As Integer Dim FileName As String

On Error GoTo NoFilesFound

FileCount = 0 FileName = Dir(FileSpec) If FileName = "" Then GoTo NoFilesFound

' Loop until no more matching files are found Do While FileName <> "" FileCount = FileCount + 1 ReDim Preserve FileArray(1 To FileCount) FileArray(FileCount) = FileName FileName = Dir() Loop GetFileList = FileArray Exit Function

' Error handler NoFilesFound: GetFileList = False End Function

4. Run the macro and the basic meta fields will be exported to the first worksheet. [See Fig. 4]

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