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Batch Download PACER Filings

The batch download option in PacerPro lets you get around this problem. You do have to click on each filing separately to have it selected in Entries Detailed window on the right. When there are multiple documents for each filing it will take some time for them to load up. You'll see the option to 'Select All' and 'Download Selected', but if you're trying to get any number of documents at all you should find that PacerPro gives you an error message about not being able to save everything to a zip file. Get around this limitation by working in the Firefox browser with the DownThemAll add-on, or the Download Master app for Chrome. Just right click in the Entries Detailed window and select the FireFox add-on, or choose the Chrome app from the toolbar. You can filter for PDFs and save all the filings you need to a folder on your PC.

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