Autokeyboard Script to Convert PDF Hyperlinks to Embedded Objects in MS Word
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Autokeyboard Script to Convert PDF Hyperlinks to Embedded Objects in MS Word

in MS Word go to Insert . . . Object and click display as icon. Click Change Icon and then browse and note the location where ico files are stored. Copy the file named, 'Custom-Icon-Design-Pretty-Office-9-Circle.ico' to this folder which is available on this page:

Prime your Word document by pressing CTRL + H and then click on the Find tab. Click on Format . . . Style . . . and then select "Hyperlink". Open Find again the same way and make sure MS Word is set with the Find What box to nothing and 'Style: Hyperlink' listed below.

Now you just need to run the AutoKeyboard script posted to the page linked to above. This the file with the akbd file extension. In AutoKeyboard, you will need to set the repetition times to the reflect the number of links in the document. After pressing Start in AutoKeyboard you have the option to start and pause the script by pressing F1. Make sure your cursor is at the beginning of the document before you begin.

This script will only work for links to PDF files. It's also necessary to resize the icons which are inserted into the Word document. The links need to show the full path to the PDFs.

Sean O'Shea has more than 20 years of experience in the litigation support field with major law firms in New York and San Francisco.   He is an ACEDS Certified eDiscovery Specialist and a Relativity Certified Administrator.

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