Editing Marks
Be sure to know the editing marks that are used for proofreading a hard copy of a document. It's possible to enter some of these symbols with Unicode references and it's common to circle the marks which use letter abbreviations.
1. ₰ Delete (enter with the Unicode reference 20B0).
2. ⁐ Close up space (enter with the Unicode reference 2050).
3. Transpose / tr.

4. # Insert a space.
5. ital. Italicize.
6. rom. Remove italics.
7. bf Boldface.
8. lc Make lowercase.
9. cap. Make uppercase.
10. Insert text.

11. ¶ Start a new paragraph (enter with the Unicode reference 00B6). Simply write 'No ¶' to remove a paragraph break.
12 1 Insert em dash.
13. 1 Insert en dash.
14. sp Spell out.
15. stet. Let stand.
16. wf Wrong font.
17. Insert parentheses.

18. ⁂ Insert a break in the text for a new section (enter with the Unicode reference 2042).