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EDRM's TAR Best Practices

The EDRM's is currently focusing on developing best practices for Technology Assisted Review. This past September the Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies held a conference on Technology Assisted Review. (The EDRM is part of the center.) 15 judges and more than 75 ediscovery experts, including Tony Scott, the former Chief Information Officer of the federal government, participated in the conference. The discussion at the conference centered around the examination of ediscovery workflows, and reviewed the differences between TAR and other ediscovery review methods. The conference uses the EDRM's Computer Assisted Review model as a starting point on which to get an overview of the TAR of computer assisted review process.

As this graphic shows the goals for TAR will vary from case to case, and a fact specific protocol must be followed, that must be learned by the actual document reviewers.

A statistical sampling should be used to test the accuracy of the results.

At a meeting I attended today with Jack Knight and John K. Rabiej, the co-director and director of the Center, they noted that some electronic discovery service providers may balk at having to limit their approach to Technology Assisted Review according to specific guidelines.

Be sure to look out this year for the publication of EDRM's TAR best practices and protocol. Mike Quartararo (the author of Project Management in Electronic Disocvery), of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP and Adam Strayer, of BDO Consulting are leading the effort.

Sean O'Shea has more than 20 years of experience in the litigation support field with major law firms in New York and San Francisco.   He is an ACEDS Certified eDiscovery Specialist and a Relativity Certified Administrator.


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