Bloomberg's Electronic Discovery Resource Center
Bloomberg BNA has its own electronic discovery online center. Sign up for a free 7 day trial here: Bloomberg's site has a great deal of information. Its summary of electronic discovery cases breaks them down by federal circuit court, federal district court, and state, and makes it a worhy competitor to the K&L Gates electronic discovery case database, discussed on this blog on June 14, 2015. See figures 1 and 2 below. It includes a list of major electronic discovery vendors (see Fig. 3), which is helpful but actually sort of sparse. How could they omit Kroll and Nuix? It also includes templates for filings related to electronic discovery - see figures 4 and 5. The center seems very good at funneling news about recent electronic discovery cases, but even though it includes tabs labeled 'Preservation', 'Search and Retrieval', 'Production', 'Costs', 'Privilege' and 'Sanctions', the options available don't change much when you click on them. Better is the site's eData Deskbook, a fairly comprehensive outline of electronic discovery. See Figure 6. This site is a somewhat useful effort provide some structure to electronic discovery information, but most of the information is freely accessible elsewhere on the web. It doesn't appear to be worth paying for, unless your firm or business already has some kind of deal with Bloomberg which would include it.